社團法人台灣永續供應協會(TASS - Taiwan Alliance for Sustainable Supply)於2017年1月18日正式成立,以建立一個整合供應管理、運籌流程與資訊共享的永續供應發展標準為宗旨。 本會之任務為:擬議國際及台灣相關產業永續供應標準制定、提供永續供應標準認證之諮詢服務及教育訓練、反應產業意見及需求並提供政府單位制定永續供應管理政策、與國內外相關政府與民間組織交流學習、建立永續供應資訊共享平台。
TASS - Taiwan Alliance for Sustainable Supply was chartered on January 18, 2017. The mission of this association is fostering the “Sustainable Supply” development that integrates the roles of supply management, logistics, information flows and environment, health and safety…etc. The key tasks of TASS include and not limit to the following areas: Proposing international and Taiwanese industrial standards of the “Sustainable Supply”, Providing consulting and training/educational services of “Sustainable Supply” subjects, Escalating the recommendations from industries to the government authorities for policy making, Learning and exchange with public and private sectors domestically and internationally, and lastly but not the least, Providing the platform of information sharing of the “Sustainable Supply”.
TASS will reflect the global trends for the development of “Sustainability” and continue to facilitate the approaches of “Sustainable Supply” and “Circular Economy”. Furthermore, adopting the theme of “Innovation, Sustainability, and Reality” to leverage the development of this association.